The fact that the majority of people worldwide, it seems, dislike Bush is no real surprise to me. I'm a Texan and I've been disliking him for ohhhh so many years. Caused nothin' but trouble here as gov and now he's taking his cowboy antics worldwide.
This story tells the whole story... He has made the world LESS SAFE through his cowboy shoot-first antics. I know it, they know it, the only ones (amazingly) who don't know it are the ones closest to home... but there's another reason for his election here... GREED. The fat-cats and money-launderers are making a killing with him in office, just like they did here in TX when he got started.
"We like Americans, we don't like Bush," was how Britain's Guardian newspaper summarized the results of the surveys published Friday.
I could rant forever on this. Read the story.
B.U.S.H. -> Beat Up Soddam Hussein
ABC News: Polls Show U.S. Reputation Spirals Down
Now this is something... caught without something for all His sick friends, he's willing to go to Canada to get it. Never mind the other people who don't have the money for our stuff...
You can't get it if you're poor, but He'll get it to keep His people from getting sick!
He's such a weasel.
"They've been disparaging the Canadian drug system, saying how it's a buyer beware situation, completely unsafe, can't guarantee the safety," said David MacKay, executive director of the Canadian International Pharmacy Association. "Then the moment that they need to go to Canada to find our flu vaccines, all of a sudden, magically, things are safe."
"It's absolutely ironic and ludicrous to think that (U.S. regulators) can assure safety for flu vaccines . . . but they won't do it for life-saving Lipitor (a cholesterol-lowering statin) as well," MacKay said.
"What's the difference between flu vaccine and Lipitor?"
Yeah, like he said.
Maritimes - network
Just a short note to say I Loved Sunday's Doonesbury... Bush as "another child left behind..." LOL!
Doonesbury@Slate - Daily Dose
Words to Live By
In this politically "energized" world today, I have been seeing so many ads, "testimonials," etc. that deride, chastise, and otherwise denigrate the word "liberal" that it is just getting my dander up.
I am a liberal, and the definitions I grew up, and into it, with, are:
liberal adj. 1.a. Open-minded; tolerant. See Syns at broad-minded. b. Favoring civil and political liberties, democratic reforms, and protection from arbitrary authority. 2.a. Tending to give freely; generous. b. Abundant; ample. 3. Not strict or literal; approximate. 4. Of or based on the traditional arts and sciences of a college or university curriculum: a liberal education. -n. A person with liberal ideas or opinions. [<>liber, free.]
Syns: liberal, bounteous, bountiful, freehanded, generous, handsome, munificent, openhanded
Ant: stingy adj.
conservative adj. 1. Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change. 2. Traditional in style. 3. Moderate; cautious: a conservative estimate. -n. A conservative person.
conservatism n. 1. The inclination, esp. in politics, to maintain the existing or traditional order. 2. Caution or moderation, as in behavior or outlook.
Which one would anyone with any real feeling of care for the world choose? |  |
or coaxing them to get out and vote... to get involved. Repubs don't seem to like it when Moore does it. I wonder... how much is the good old NRA paying to gather votes? I bet the repubs would dispute any connection, but it is just too apparent/transparent. & WOOD TV8 - Grand Rapids news and weather - Both Parties react to Michael Moore's actions
Cheney & Anti-Bush Web Site
This is hilarious.
Vice President Dick Cheney directed millions of television viewers to a Web site calling for President Bush's defeat.
" Anyone who heeded Cheney's advice and clicked on "" on Wednesday morning was redirected to the site of anti-Bush billionaire investor George Soros that had a banner message saying 'Why we must not reelect President Bush.'"
The Web site Cheney had in mind,, was not amused.
They say Cheney not only got the domain name confused, he had mischaracterized its fact-finding.
"In fact we did post an article pointing out that Cheney hasn't profited personally while in office from Halliburton's Iraq contracts. But Edwards was talking about Cheney's responsibility for earlier Halliburton troubles. And in fact, Edwards was mostly right."
What a guy.
First Post
First posts are the hardest, so here goes. This is my say on the games I see. Where's the truth? Where's the money? What are the facts? Where are they hidden and who's hiding them? The hidden agendas worry me, and I'd like to uncover a bit of it/them. I am not paranoid, but there are a lot of pundits I don't trust.
That is my intro, so back to work, but more to come.