And THIS is news?
The fact that the majority of people worldwide, it seems, dislike Bush is no real surprise to me. I'm a Texan and I've been disliking him for ohhhh so many years. Caused nothin' but trouble here as gov and now he's taking his cowboy antics worldwide. This story tells the whole story... He has made the world LESS SAFE through his cowboy shoot-first antics. I know it, they know it, the only ones (amazingly) who don't know it are the ones closest to home... but there's another reason for his election here... GREED. The fat-cats and money-launderers are making a killing with him in office, just like they did here in TX when he got started."We like Americans, we don't like Bush," was how Britain's Guardian newspaper summarized the results of the surveys published Friday.
I could rant forever on this. Read the story.
B.U.S.H. -> Beat Up Soddam Hussein
ABC News: Polls Show U.S. Reputation Spirals Down
Bush is just frightening as a leader...I think the man is just lost! Way to go, MJ, for pointing out the truth. I know being a Texan who doesn't like ol' Dubya can make you feel like a misfit, but I'm one, too--we can be misfits together.
Anonymous, at
11:00 PM
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