Gitmo Prisoners Finally Get Geneva Convention

Wow, I can hardly believe it. What a totally Democratic thing to do! I bet his war-buddies are gonna short-sheet him or something for this! And repubs are probably crying in their martinis.
But, for the crumbs of society (the rest of us, who don't follow bushlaw), things are looking up a bit. Some christian groups are crying foul, but hey, they're christians - what do you expect! These prisoners (of war?) are just heathens, so they deserve no respect from their jealous god anyhoo.
Asked about ... the basic requirements guaranteed by the Geneva Convention on rights of prisoners of war, Gonzales said the White House needed to study the issue before it responded.
I can just see him now, scratching that weasely little head of his... "I know I've heard of that convention somewhere, but thought it was too old to try to remember..."
"Treat others as you yourself would want to be treated."
"But hey," he says, "these others are not like me myself, so I don't have to do it!! Daddyyyyy!!!!"
Geez - who elects someone like that?
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