Running from the bushes!

oh boy, the moment I've waited for! Finally, enough people are seeing through this mad man and his games to be able to prune this bush down to a stump.
Bush? Never heard of him
President bush's effectiveness as a domestic president is ending not with a bang but with a whimper. Almost four months before the midterm elections, congressional Republicans fear an association with him might alienate their constituencies and result in a loss of the House of Representatives. They hold the House by only 15 seats and suddenly even previously safe districts are at risk.
With him running his mouth off and flexing a bit too much phony macho - over mislaid patriotism, spying on US citizens, cronyism with the rich and infamous, and a hundred other pissy idiocies - the time has finally come for even his former lockstep panderers to step aside.
So it looks like he will join the likes of Nixon on history's wall of shame. The GOP doesn't want it to be a Republican wall, even if the two on it are!
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