Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Congress may probe leaks in CIA prisons story - Yahoo! News

Oh boy, a new investigation! But wait - what are they investigating? The clandestine secret prisons the CIA is reportedly setting up? or what goes on there? or the treatment of people (and who they are) once they get there?

NOOO... the repubs are wondering who tattled on them - who TOLD the strory. That's what THEY want to focus on!

Are some of their hands in this cookie jar?

Kan. School Board OKs Teaching Myth as Plausible Fact...

Ohhhh, ok...

"Intelligent design holds that the universe is so complex that it must have been created by a higher power."

So that's it... We can't understand it, so someone/something even smarter must have built it! Things like THIS don't just happen!

geez... peabrains inside of boneheads.

bush Declares: 'We Do Not Torture' but I Support It!

The twisted logic of bush is swirling up in knots again.

"We do not torture,'' bush declared in response to reports of secret CIA prisons overseas. At the same time, he is supporting cheney's efforts to modify or block a proposed Senate-passed ban on torture. cheney is trying to persuade Congress to exempt the CIA from the proposed torture ban.

So who is "We"? bush and his immediate family? but cheney and the cia can? He doesn't personally DO it, but he supports it, is that it?

Maybe if he can get exempted, too, he might try his hand at a little of it, and then send some underling to prison for being in the picture he takes.