Wednesday, August 31, 2005

While Rome burns...

This says it all... while millions are in anguish in Katrina-ravaged areas,

"President Bush plays a guitar"

So while all hope is fading, bush plays a tune. Don't ya think he could round up cell phones for all the police, and maybe a bottle of water to give people? Something??


All I can say

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Bush Cancels Vacation to Focus on Relief - Days after the fact!

Well, let's see - 3 days after the catastrophic storm, "And President Bush cut short his vacation Tuesday to return to Washington to focus on the storm damage."

Do ya think maybe we don't really need him? Kinda day late and dollar short, as they say (although I bet he's not any dollars short!!) so whaddya say we have a good ol' fashion impeachment? That would liven things up, lighten some hearts, and wouldn't really hurt US at all ;)

Monday, August 29, 2005

Jacksonville Daily Progress: New Orleans residents seek shelter in Jacksonville

Jacksonville Daily Progress: New Orleans residents seek shelter in Jacksonville

The real story of the day... I've felt so helpless watching this happening - like seeing a train wreck coming but unable to help either of the parties to the collision.

I certainly wish everyone well.


Spinner in Chief - They are FINALLY seeing it!

Well, the viewpoints in this
article are finally pointing out what a lying SOB (Son Of Bush) this jackass can be! We who have paid enough attention to his ways as gov. of Texas - and those who were not shovelling $$$ to him for "special" treatment, at the expense of everyone else - know him for what he is, and could not believe it TWICE when so many voted for him. There were either $$$ involved in those votes, or lies. People tend to pay attention to both, rather than the dispicable character behind it.

Too bad, so bad. The World is Worse for it, I'm afraid.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

U.S. evangelist calls for assassination of Chavez - How Christian Thou Art!

"Conservative U.S. evangelist Pat Robertson called for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
"'We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability,' Robertson said."

WOW! I have never liked the blubberings of the evangelical choir, but this is a terrorist talking if ever there was one! Has bushy uttered anthing about his friend's statement? Or is this one of the places he gets his advice from??

bush's buddy speaks out, again.

Group Ensures Global Population Growth - Yahoo! News

"The rapid growth in developing countries, combined with declining birth rates in some industrialized nations could affect the ability of the wealthy to aid the poor, said a demographer who prepared the group's report."

I don't think he should worry about that point... we're not doing all that much to help the poor as it is. Not one of bush's "national security" concerns. The poor stem cells seem to be his and his right-wing evangelistic friends' concerns.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Connecticut Sues 'No Child Behind' Law - Yahoo! News

bush, the preeminent "child left behind."

Star-Telegram | 07/31/2005 | Be afraid -- be very afraid

"Cornyn, who I would have sworn is not this stupid, apparently signed off on having the nominee "forget" he was a member of the Federalist Society, and Roberts obliged, which is strange considering his reputation for brilliance and a spectacular memory.

"The guy is in the society's 1997-98 "Leadership Directory" as a member of its steering committee in Washington. How many steering committees have you been on that you've forgotten about?

GEEZ!! I knew there was something fishy about this guy (actually, about any bushy guy), but this is totally absent in anything I've seen released about him. Thanks, Molly!!

"It's all classic, right-wing judicial activism -- the very 'activism' they complain bitterly about.

"Restrict the right of courts to end school segregation, slow down on enforcing laws against discrimination, divest lower courts of jurisdiction over school prayer cases, go easy on Title IX for women and so on.

Is THIS someone We want on the Supremes?? I think not!

Please, tell your CongressWo/Man about your decisions!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Judge Tells U.S. to Revisit Wolves' Status

Speaking of bush, I guess He thinks He is above the Law? or does He just make up His own as He sees fit? He does think He's God, after all (hence the caps)

Judge Tells U.S. to Revisit Wolves' Status

Bush supporters start camp countering war protesters

"'If I have to sacrifice my whole family for the sake of our country and world, other countries that want freedom, I'll do that,' said Qualls"

Hmmm... maybe he should start with himself, ya think? Stop givin' up the kids and just do it himself? Would probably be good for the rest of the world, and I'll bet it would promote peace somewhere...

What do you think the chances are these "pro-bush" people are being paid by bush and the repub's to be there? Think they'd be there on their own (with the possible exception of Qualls up there)? Just a thought.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

CBS News | A Bad Week For Protesting Mom | August 16, 2005�09:43:45

"Cindy Sheehan... is continuing her vigil but the makeshift memorial erected at her campsite has taken a hit.

"The campsite has close to a thousand white crosses, each representing GIs who, like Sheehan's son Casey, were killed in Iraq.

"Monday night, a pickup truck tore through the rows of white crosses."

Good Lord! Who would do such a thing? With all the press and other photogs around, did anyone get a pic? Hmmm... was it one of the twins on a drunken spree?? Has the sheriff been notified, and if so, is he doing anything?? Someone needs to be found and prosecuted - to the fullest extent - for that!

CBS News | A Bad Week For Protesting Mom | August 16, 2005�09:43:45: "Cindy Sheehan "

Monday, August 15, 2005

Mom's Protest Riles Gun-Toting Neighbor - Yahoo! News

Boy, isn't this guy an einstein. Wonder if he thinks in 12 ga. or 20? Either way, his "ammunition" is small, hard, and unforgiving. Remind you of anyone else?

Saturday, August 13, 2005 - World - President snubs war protesters

That's our president - boy, what a guy... No wonder the World has such "genuine" feelings for us! Now, all he has to do is go to war with Iran over some power generators and the World will be SAFE!!

geez... when will the World be safe from him!? - World - President snubs war protesters

John LeBoutillier - Paranoid Rantings?

Just ran across this article - rather old by now - on a recent search for other stuff, but reading it showed me what a pathetic state some people are in. Paranoia over "too many" ideas, other than his own, and "too much" sex -- can there be such a thing!?!? lol

Wonder how his sex life is.

Life goes on, and maybe the neo-con's will start fading away. One can only hope.

New Left Alive and Well